Sunday, September 30, 2012

RockSmith is AWESOME

A couple months ago, Dallas got a game for the PS3 where you can use a real guitar to play games and it actually teaches you how to play real songs on a real guitar.  While I've thought this was cool, I wasn't that interested.  I love that Dallas has had the boys playing, and Austin really seems to enjoy it. 
Well, I finally gave it a try this evening, and it is AWESOME.  And, surprisingly, I'm pretty good at it too.  I've always been pretty intimidated by the guitar for some reason and been hesitant to even try to learn.  But I kicked some serious tail!  Well, serious tail considering its my first time ever trying to play anything on the guitar.  I think I might even have impressed Dallas.  (At least he's nice enough to make me think so.)
The truth is I hate being bad at anything.  If I think I won't be perfect at something right off the bat, I usually don't even try.  Which its stupid and not something I want to pass on to my kids.  But I did it tonight, and I'm so glad I did.  RockSmith rocks!

Hello, My Name Is:

My stats:

Name: Riana
Marital status: Married for 9 years to Dallas
Kids: Austin - 6, Harrison - 4, Lily - 2, and Autumn - 2
Current town: Tucson, AZ

My reason for making this blog is to have a place where I can be truly honest and express myself as I learn whoI am, what I believe, and where I want to be in my life. 

This blog will not be focused on any one part of my life.  I will write about my husband and my marriage.  I will write about being a mom and my kids.  I will write about homeschooling and cooking and crafts and projects.  I will write about our travels and living in a travel trailer.  I will write about my beliefs.  I will write about my questions.  I will write about my challenges and my failures and hopefully my accomplishments as well.  The only unifying theme will be: it's about me.  So this blog will be an exercise in ego.

If you know me in person, some of the things I post here will probably be a shock.  Even those who know me well might learn something new, since this really is a way to work out WHO I am.  I am a work in progress. I am a contradiction.  What I say at one point, I might say the complete opposite in the very next post.  And I might firmly believe both positions.  One post might be super positive, the next negative.  I will rant and complain. I will compliment and rave.  I will question and I will blindly believe. 

This is a chance to be completely honest.  To discover.  To become.  Myself.

Starting Over

I recently discovered that I can post to blogger from my phone, so we're going to try again on this whole "blogging-thing".

Since I've been so inconsistent in the past, I figured I had better start all over, but if you want to check out my (very infrequently updated) previous blog, it's here. The reason I'm not just continuing that one, is... well, truth be told, I'm a perfectionist and a bit OCD.  Since so much has happened between the last post and now, I'd feel the need go back and post everything that has happened in chronological order, and then I'd forget stuff, and have to add it in, and then reorder... and on...  And really, that just doesn't sound like fun! SO!  I'm accepting that in myself, and starting fresh.

Here's to hope!